Spyware and surveilance (šnipinėjimo ir žmonių sekimo programos Europos Sąjungoje)

Nevisai įprasta tema, bet aktuali žmogaus laisvių srityje. Europos parlamento komiteto ataskaitos juodraštis rodo, kad Europos Sąjungoje šalys suteikia prieglobstį šnipinėjimo ir gyventojų sekimo programų gamintojams ir kai kurios ES šalys (pvz. mūsų kaimynai Lenkija) gerokai peržengia priimtinas tokių programų naudojimo ribas.

While there have been reports of spyware abuse across several EU member states—which led to PEGA’s creation in the first place—in a 159-page draft report shared with Risky Business, the committee said it found that spyware use and the surveillance industry are prevalent across EU member states.

“[In] Poland and Hungary, […] spyware is an integral element of a system; a system which is designed to control and even oppress the citizens—that is the critics of the government, the opposition, journalists, whistleblowers—and the whole system is very methodically set up. It’s not by accident. It’s not a random tool they are using,” In ’t Veld said.

In other countries like Spain and Greece, In ’t Veld said spyware was deployed “with no evident, imminent, immediate threat to national security” and that there are also reports of similar abuses in Cyprus.

Lietuva šioje ataskaitoje minima tik porą kartų dėl šio asmens:

Anatoly Hurgin, a Russian-Israeli citizen, former Israeli military engineer and co-developer of Pegasus together with NSO, reportedly owns a company in Lithuania, called UAB “Communication technologies”, in the area of “connection and telecommunication services”. He also acquired a Maltese golden passport in 2015.

Šaltinis: 2022 11 09 Risky Biz News: The spyware industry has found a cozy home in the EU

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